10:00 AM - 10:20 AM (EDT)Welcome to the 2021 Xperience Summit

Welcome to ISG's third annual Xperience Summit - an immersive two-day event that interrogates how your company can employ innovative techniques and emerging technologies to position yourself at the forefront of your customer's mind. Through thought-provoking keynote presentations and interactive panel discussions we investigate what it takes to win customer loyalty in an age of rapid technological and social change. ISG's John Westfield will set the stage for the day, before we dive into today's two themes - The Future of Customer Experience and Back to Basics.

10:20 AM - 11:00 AM (EDT)KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: The Future is Intuitive: The Behavioral Science Approach to Understanding How Humans Really Decide Jennie Liu 
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM (EDT)ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION: What Does CX Mean to You? Jeff Cosby Paul Schreiner Bob Krohn JOHN WESTFIELD Sandra Williams John Boccuzzi 
11:30 AM - 11:45 PM (EDT)ISG INSIGHTS: Consumer Behavior Trends – ‘Understanding and Responding to Shifts in Consumer Behavior’

As consumers, we all rode a time machine through 2020.  It was almost if digital retailing and consumer behavior accelerated 7 years overnight.  In fact, digital commerce rose more in 2020 than the previous 8 years combined.  While organizations rode the wave and quickly pivoted to new working models – some better than others – now comes the challenge of separating from the herd based on the current trends and what comes next.

In this session, ISG’s Todd Dirks lays out five trends and tactics you can use to influence consumer behavior in this dynamic environment.  With insight into the increased and mandated digital acceptance, differentiation, personalization at scale, optimizing the human touch and balancing convenience vs. responsibility - discover how to ride the tailwinds of the pandemic to ensure smooth sailing as we emerge into a new era of commerce.  

Todd Dirks 
11:45 AM - 12:15 PM (EDT)PANEL: Are You Meeting Your Consumers' Expectations? When Virtual Becomes the Reality

Change in the consumer goods industry is accelerating as online sales continue their rapid growth. With face-to-face consumer engagement becoming nearly non-existent , companies have had to increase the quantity and range of products available through digital technology to meet the growing expectations of what their consumers seek. This new normal creates possibilities for new and small retail entrants to compete against bigger retailers. How can you utilize digital technologies like VR (virtual reality) to give consumers the ability to virtual shop from the comfort of their home? What actions should you focus on in order to ensure growth in the coming months? Are you taking advantage of the right CX platforms and analytics? And how do you ensure that you're adapting to the ever-changing expectations of your consumers?

JOHN WESTFIELD Patt Chowdhury Natascha French 
12:15 PM - 12:45 PM (EDT)INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHT PRESENTATION: How to Build An Agile, Holistic, Integrated CX Program in 2021 Christine Rimer 

These sessions provide demonstrations of innovative and cutting-edge technologies that are helping to shape the future of business. 

1:00 PM - 1:15 PM (EDT)ISG PREDICTS: Using Data to Deliver Value and Relevance

The growing avalanche of data is providing new ways of looking at information and new ways of getting to solutions and decisions that have been, until now, impossible. But how can we use data effectively to make relevant decisions, how do we contextualize data be it a customer, Employee or stakeholder. In this session, ISG’s Sunder Pillai outlines the following takeaways: 
  -  How can we use data to unearth the untold stories the data is revealing?
  -  How can companies leverage the data available with them to fine-tune their strategies as they embark on their digital transformation journeys?
  -  What should organizations do as data continues to become integral to making the smart, fact-based decisions they need to keep up with the pace of change?
  -  How to optimally realize the Value and Relevance of Data?

Sunder Pillai 
1:15 PM - 1:45 PM (EDT)FIRESIDE CHAT: Rapid Iteration in the Restaurant Technology Space - Finding the Right Platform to Fuel It

The restaurant industry had no choice but to pivot and pivot fast. While indoor dining came to a standstill overnight, the only chance these organizations had at survival was to shift to a fully contactless service while keeping health and safety front-of-mind and visible to the consumer. The rapid adoption of existing and emerging technologies secured the future of organizations across the country. Those who weren’t up to the challenge were forced to shutter their doors forever.

In this fireside chat, join Brian Anderson, Director of Technology for Modern Restaurant Concepts and ISG’s Sunder Pillai. In this honest and open conversation, Brian and Mike discuss what factors contributed to the successful pivot that Modern Market Eatery and Lemonade took to ensure their survival? Opening a ghost kitchen late last year was one of these steps. 

Key takeaways include:
  -  How has the supply chain, mobile order, website and third-party ordering affected business as a whole
  -  How did you ensure the guest experience equaled or surpassed the dine-in experience? 
  -  What measures have been taken to ensure customer satisfaction? 
  -  How do you see the industry changing when dining opens up again?
  -  What technology (and data) ensured a seamless shift and what role does it play in enhancing and developing the omnichannel experience?

Sunder Pillai Brian Anderson 
1:45 PM - 2:30 PM (EDT)Xperience Disrupted!

Join Greg Chase and Lilian Tomovich, former MGM Resorts International executives, for an unscripted casual discussion. Submit your questions ahead of the event and tune in for an interactive, real-time discussion as they tackle top-of-mind, real-time issues.

JOHN WESTFIELD Greg Chase Lilian Tomovich 
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM (EDT)Welcome to Day Two of the ISG Xperience Summit

Welcome back to Day Two of the ISG Xperience Summit. After some fantastic insights into Understanding Shifts in Consumer Behavior and discovering the future of data analytics, today's content will focus on our final two themes - Back to Basics and The Future of Customer Experience. From first-class keynote speakers, to expert panelists and ISG Insights, we look forward to spending the morning with you for part two of the ISG Xperience Summit. 

10:15 AM - 11:00 AM (EDT)INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHT PRESENTATION: The New Customer Experience Demand - "KNOW ME"

Throw out the strategies and customer experience tactics that focus on age groups, demographics/psychographics or even “micro-segments” – the battle for consumers is now at the individual!

This keynote address will outline the opportunities to utilize the right balance of emerging technology with employee engagement to create personalized experiences and ultimately strong brand loyalty at scale. Consumers are screaming to be understood and treated as individuals – not Millennials, or soccer moms from Atlanta, but Mary, Beth and Susan. They are screaming to “KNOW ME” – so are you listening and what are you doing about it?!

Sherif Mityas 
11:05 AM - 11:35 AM (EDT)FEATURED PRESENTATION: Experience is the new currency - Creating the Optimal Experience for Customers, Employees, and Partners.

In the wake of 2020's unprecedented changes across the globe, recognizing the way customer, employee and partner experiences have changed is vital. We will look at some of the key trends that are surfacing and examine the ways in which forward-thinking organizations can seize an opportunity to apply innovative technologies in response to those trends, creating new interactions between humans and machines—and indeed, between humans and digital humans—that are emotionally resonant but also leverage and amplify the analytical insights we are deriving from our data. 

Theresa Kushner 
11:35 AM - 11:55 AM (EDT)ISG PREDICTS: Are Your XLAs Really XLAs? How Customer Experience is Changing the Way Business Needs to Deliver

Customer Experience was a hot topic before the pandemic hit.  Now it has become even more so because it doesn’t only relate to the end customer.  Now more than ever, organizations need to realize that your end customer is served by your employee, who is the customer of your back office services and providers.  Many providers now offer claim to offer XLAs (Experience Level Agreements) to support your business but are they true XLAs?  What is an Experience and in the age of new digital customer experiences and, what is it that must be done differently to succeed?  Here we will look at the value chain that is experienced from provider to end customer and the key elements that must be in place to offer a post-pandemic digital customer experience. With your competitor being only one click away, now more than ever does business need to understand what real Experiences are and how they need to define XLAs to deliver CX

Iain Fisher 
11:55 AM - 12:25 PM (EDT)PANEL: Striking the Optimal Balance Between Innovation and Core Business Values

The COVID-19 pandemic catalyzed innovation that retailers, healthcare practitioners and financial institutions alike weren’t planning to implement for another 3-5 years. Be it contactless payment methods, self-service mechanisms, virtual visits, etc, organizations were forced to implement technologies at a breakneck speed to ensure they remained front-of-mind with their established consumer base. With everyone’s attention on new capabilities, what happened to their core customer experience? 

Key Takeaways Include:

  • What suffered as a result of rapid digital transformation? 
  • What are the top values that were likely ignored in your rapid innovation rollout? 
  • How can I strike the optimal balance between delivering the experience I want without hindering certain operations? 
  • Does my organization have the agility to adapt this quickly and this frequently going forward? Will this rate of change become the norm? 
Iain Fisher 
12:35 PM - 12:55 PM (EDT)ISG INSIGHTS: Personifying the Brand Experience to Deliver the Future of CX

The COVID-19 pandemic catalyzed innovation and technology adoption that has forever changed the customer experience.  Self-service, whether from our phone, laptop, tablet or Smart TV has overcome the old needs of in-person contact and has become business as usual for consumers and businesses alike.  In fact, reports suggest that more people are embracing technology for placing orders and answering questions, for instance, that ever before. 

In this session, ISG’s Dr. Linda Delbridge lays out the latest customer experience trends that impact contact center services – sharing what is working and what is not, and how to get ahead of the curve in this dynamic environment.  It isn’t a big surprise to find that personalization matters for the best customer satisfaction, but what exactly does that mean and how do you need to change and adapt to take advantage of these latest insights?  How do you find, nurture  and balance your human and digital workers to generate top-notch bottom-line results?  Find the answers to these and other questions to help you deliver the future of CX!

Dr. Linda Delbridge 
12:55 PM - 1:25 PM (EDT)FIRESIDE CHAT: Consumerism in 2021 and Beyond

Michael Chachula has over 20 years of leading IT Digital and Operaions for large and multinational companies in industries such as Finance, Pharmaceutical, Consumer Goods and Consumer Electronics and Hospitality. With a full breadth of experience in creating business and IT solutions at work Michael takes the stage to discuss these key takeaways:
  -  Will the demand economy regress to pre-COVID states?
  -  What are the business effects of consumerism?
  -  Will companies start to expect more from their consumers?
  -  What role will digital play in shaping the future of consumerism?
  -  Data's already important, but how will it further shape expectations and delivery in the future? 
  -  Are you ready to scale at volume when the world returns to 'normal'?

JOHN WESTFIELD Michael Chachula 
1:25 PM - 1:55 PM (EDT)PANEL: Optimize. Innovate. Succeed.

Convenience will no longer be optional, personalization will need to be more personal, chatbots will become more advanced and will do more than just communicate with customers, and problems will be predictable – these are just some features that will define Customer Experience within the next 12-months. Our panel of experts, hailing from the retail, healthcare, banking and travel & hospitality sectors, outline what the future of customer experience in their industries will look like this year.

Michael Witty Anastasia Zdoroviak Pradeep Govindasamy 
1:55 PM - 2:35 PM (EDT)CLOSING KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Customer Experience 2025 & Beyond: A Convergence of Multi-Disciplines Claudiu Coltea 
2:35 PM - 2:45 PM (EDT)FINAL THOUGHTS: Turning Notes Into Action

After two days of great content, what do you do with it? ISG’s John Westfield will provide guidance on what your next steps should be to prepare your customers will an experience that will ensure to keep you front-of-mind and brand-loyal in an age of rapid change and new possibility.

Time Zone: (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) [Change Time Zone]